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Grumpy Cat Memes Funny Cat Memes

grumpy cat on a car

30+ Funny Grumpy Cat Memes for Any Occasion

Tardar Sauce better know as "Grumpy Cat" or "Angry Cat" is one of the most famous Internet cats on YouTube. She (yes, the cat is a female) has become an Internet celebrity due to her facial expression that always looks grumpy. In 2012, the 1st image on Grumpy cat appeared online. Since then, there were created numerous Grumpy Cat memes for any life situation. Let's have a look at most popular ones.

UPD: Unfortunately, one of the most popular Internet cats, Grumpy Cat (Tardar Sauce) has died because of the urinary tract infection. The cat was over 7 years old.

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General Angry Cat Memes

Whatever you say, Grumpy Cat always has a ready answer and opinion on everything.

1. Grumpy Cat about happiness

To be happy is not about her!

about happiness

I'm not angry…I'm happiness challenged

2. Angry Cat about cats' life

Tardar Sauce doesn't pur as other cats.

about cat life

I purred once…It was awful

3. Grumpy cat about belief

Those humans are so dangerous!

about belief

The last time I believed the humans…The world didn't end

4. Angry Cat about birthday

This is sad, but this is true.

about birthday

One year closer to death…Good

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5. Grumpy Cat about hugs

Please don't hug Tardar Sauce!

about hugs

Free hugs? Go hug a cactus

6. Angry Cat about family tree

What about your family tree?

about family

Your family tree must be a cactus…because everybody on it is a prick

7. Grumpy Cat about relationships

To hate elsewhere is a special skill.

about relationship

Even from this angle I still hate you

8. Angry Cat about love

The feeling of love is unfamiliar to the cat.

about love

Love is in the air? Take out the gasmasks

9. Grumpy Cat about technology

Tardar Sauce seems to be tech-savvy.

about technology

I wish I could upload all of you people and press delete

10. Angry Cat about politics

Tardar may compose a good poem!

about politics

Republicans are red, Democrats are blue…neither of them cares about you

11. Grumpy Cat about hobbies

It is not an easy job to be a hero of popular memes.

about hobbies

Launched 1000 memes…hated every one of them

12. Angry Cat about people and zombie

Sarcasm is present in her every phrase.

about brains

Zombies eat brains…Do not worry, most of you have nothing to worry about

13. Grumpy Cat about neighbors

Keeping distance is very important for neighbours.

about neighbors

Like a good neighbor stay over there

14. Angry Cat about morning

Most people don't like mornings if these are weekdays.

about morning

I do not like morning people…or mornings…or people

15. Grumpy Cat about intellect

There are so many options of "S" meaning actually…

about movies

What does the S stand for? Stupid.

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16. Grumpy Cat about sweet

Everyone knows that but nobody realizes.

canes making fatter

Those candy canes… are making you fatter

17. Angry Cat about time

You're so true, little cat!


So many reasons to be grumpy… So little time

18. Grumpy Cat about reading books

Reading tastes differ… What about your favorite book?

grumpy cat book

"The Pleasure of Hating". This book is my Bible

19. Angry Cat about persistence

This is another cat's wisdom.


What doesn't kill you…
will hopefully try again

20. Grumpy Cat about coffee

Hot and cold shower also helps in the morning.

grumpy cat coffe

There's not enough coffee in the world…
to get me rise and shine

Grumpy Cat Summer Memes

No doubt, summer is the best season for most of us. We enjoy sun, flowers, fresh green grass…however, be attentive! There might be someone behind you who hates everything about summer! Let's check out the most popular summer memes of Grumpy Cat.

21. Grumpy Cat in the sun

Spring sun is so bright!


Sun is out, wind in my face…absolutely awful

22. Hating the light

Is there anything Grumpy Cat doesn't hate?

cat hating the light

                               Everything the light touches, I hate it

23. Hating the plants

Fir trees are so thorny.

grumpy cat hating the plants

These plants…I hate them

24. Hating the flower

The sunflower isn't among her favorites.


 See this flower? I hate it

25. Hating the sunny days

Not everybody should love beautiful, suny and warm days.

about sunny days

Beautiful sunny and warm spring days I hate them

26. Angry Cat about the grass

The cat perceives everything through the prism of her negative vision.


This grass, I'd like to bury you under it

27. Grumpy Cat about spring

On March 1,  it's usually cold and still snowy.

about summer

First day of spring and it is cold and miserable…it is perfect

28. Walking on sunshine

In the following way, the cat wishes to get a good tan.


I'm walking on sunshine!"…Good. I hope you burn to ashes…

29. Smelled the flowers

Not all flowers smell well for Tardar Sauce.


I stopped and smelled the flowers once. It was awful.

30. Being outdoors

It seems that she doesn't have an outdoor hobby.

Grumpy Cat Meme Outdoors

You know what's great about the outdoors…nothing

31. Getting back inside

Grumpy Cat is definitely homesick.

grumpy cat back inside

My favorite outdoor activity…is going back inside

31. Hating your face

The cat prefers seeing only pretty people around.

hating your face

It is not the Sun that hurts my eyes…It is your face

32. Waiting for the holidays to be over

Long Christmas holidays are so tiring for Angry Cat.

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Can't wait for the holidays! To be over.

Bonus! Grumpy Toad & Grumpy Turtle

Do you know that Grumpy Cat has recently got new followers among animals? Meet the Grumpy Toad and the Grumpy Turtle. Do you like them?

grumpy toad

I toad you to leave me alone

grumpy toad

Theres plenty of fish in the ocean. I hate them.

Learn here how to make a funny video slideshow with Grumpy can photos. Share your favorite Grumpy Cat memes in the comments below!


